Welcome to our website. What can we tell you about us in just a few sentences? Hopefully, you will find through the words and pictures here that Mount Hermon is a loving and personable congregation. We enjoy seeing new faces arrive on this beautiful property located at the intersection of Old NC 10 and Mount Hermon Church Road. We want to be a safe place where families and individuals can grow in their faith and serve God to their fullest.
This Four-Way intersection signifies many things to us.
- An opportunity for individuals, families, bicyclists, and others to slow down and notice God’s church on the corner.
- A mandatory Stop-Sign that slows life down for a brief moment.
- Once stopped the driver has three choices. Straight, right or left. God wants us on the straight path pursuing righteousness and freedom in Jesus.
- A reminder to Mount Hermon that we have to “Stop” and remember that we have a responsibility to serve this community and each other.
- This intersection is now paved but at one time was very dusty and baron. It sits in the middle of a community, once called “country” that Mount Hermon calls home. God destined Mount Hermon to come into existence in 1848. Since then, generations and individuals have joined together to worship, fellowship and proclaim the Gospel as one unified group.
- What do you say when asked to describe Mount Hermon? From this intersection, you can only see the grounds and the buildings. You can certainly learn a little from this and imagine the history behind them. But in reality, the church is not the building. The church is the people. In order to know Mount Hermon, you must know the people! Many loving faces that together bring Gods light into the building.

We would love to meet and greet you in the near future. Look for the Four-Way Stop sign. A deep breath away and across a beautiful yard is a family of God open to all.
For more info go to our get involved page or learn more about us.