Welcome! Are you looking for a church to call home? Most guests immediately feel a sense of love and community on their first visit. Mount Hermon seeks to be a church where a family or individual can easily feel at ease and then settle in for worship and serve.
Visit our About Us page to get a deeper sense of our purpose and mission.
Multiple opportunities to worship, learn and make new friends.
9:30 am Bible Study Groups for All Ages
11:00 am Worship
6:00 pm Adult Bible Study, Kids and Student activities
7:15 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal
Frequently asked
Where do I park?
There is a big parking lot as you enter from the Four-Way intersection. Extra parking is around back with an easy entrance as well.
Where do I enter?
Our most popular entrance is the side-door where you see the carport. There is also a front entrance to the sanctuary. Some will drive around back and enter use the Fellowship Hall entrance depending on
the activities.
What should I wear?
Come as you are. Casual dress is our norm.
Whatever makes you comfortable and relaxed leading to a great experience with others.
Special Gift
We want to present you with a gift on your first visit. See one of our greeters on Sunday. A small token of our appreciation for being with us.
Does Mount Hermon have a Kids Ministry and Student Ministry?
Yes. Sunday’s, Wednesday’s and throughout the year Mount Hermon provides opportunities for spiritual growth, fun and community service. Annual events such as an Easter Celebration, Vacation Bible School, and a Trunk O Treat, DNOW, and a Mission Trip. Our Kids and Students participate in Passport Mission Camp in the summer and Camp Cheerio is a favorite of all the kids and families in the fall.
Thank you so much for visiting our website! Our pastor would love to hear from you if you have questions before your first visit. Email the church office mounthermondurham@gmail.com or Call 919-383-2982.
We hope that you will enjoy learning more about us as you look around our website. This will give you a glimpse of our love for each other, mission activities and passion for being the “Church” where families and individuals can feel at home, worship and serve.