OCIM and OCC Items of the Month

OCIM Items Fruit and Applesauce OCC Items Toothpaste Please place these items in the box as you enter the church.  The people in Orange County that are in need thank... Read More →

Potluck Dinner

We will have a potluck dinner before Bible Study.  Bring your favorite dish to share.

Souper Bowl of Caring

Canned goods and monetary donations will be collected to help OCIM meet the needs in our community

TriWest Baptist Network Senior Luncheon

TriWest Network Senior Adult Luncheon will be at noon at New Jerusalem Baptist Cathedral.  Reservations are needed for lunch.  Cost is $10.  RSVP by Feb 7th.  See John Frederick about... Read More →

Business Meeting

There will be a business meeting in the sanctuary, following the worship service.

Youth Foosball Tournament

Join us for our annual foosball tournament fundraiser. We will have sponsorship opportunities for the participants that will go toward youth trips and missions, or you can just come and... Read More →

Ash Wednesday Service

Ash Wednesday is the first day of lent--the season in which we remember our sins and our need for a Savior. The season of Lent is the season right before... Read More →