OCIM and OCC Items of the Month
OCIM Items Dry Pasta / Pasta Sauce OCC Items Lotion Please place these items in the box as you enter the church. The people in Orange County that are in need thank you so much for your generous donations.
OCIM Items Dry Pasta / Pasta Sauce OCC Items Lotion Please place these items in the box as you enter the church. The people in Orange County that are in need thank you so much for your generous donations.
Shrove Tuesday is the day before Lent begins. It has been a Christian tradition to feast on pancakes on Shrove Tuesday before the Lenten season begins the next day. Come join us at 6 pm and let the youth cook you some delicious pancakes. (Donations are optional for food costs. Anything left over will go... Read More →
Ash Wednesday is the first day of lent--the season in which we remember our sins and our need for a Savior. The season of Lent is the season right before Easter. Our Ash Wednesday service celebrates the first day of lent. In this service, we grapple with our mortality and our need to be saved.... Read More →
We will have a potluck dinner before Bible Study. Bring your favorite dish to share.
The ladies will meet in the event room.
The men will meet in the fellowship hall.
Please join us for this special service with the Lord's Supper.
Please join us for prayer and Songs at the Cross.
He is Risen! Join us with three events happening Sunday morning. 7:30 am Sunrise Service Potluck Breakfast in the Fellowship Hall following the Sunrise Service 10:00 am Easter Sunday Service