Business Meeting

There will be a business meeting in the sanctuary, following the worship service.

Youth and Family Lunch

The youth and their families are invited to a lunch following worship.

Potluck Dinner

We will have a potluck dinner before Bible Study.  Bring your favorite dish to share.

Gift Wrapping (Youth Fundraiser)

On December 7th, the Children and Youth will wrap all your Christmas presents! In exchange, we ask you to make a donation to the Children and Youth Missions and Other... Read More →

Welcome House shared ministry

Dr. Randy Carter will share some local missions by CBF including Welcome House in the fellowship hall.  Everyone is invited to attend.

Business Meeting

We will have a business meeting in the sanctuary following worship.

Called Business Meeting (Budget Vote)

We will have a called business meeting for the purpose of voting on the 2025 church budget.  This will be immediately before the worship service.

Favorite Hymn Sunday

Let us know what your favorite hymn is and it might be sung on this Sunday.