Riverside Chorus Concert Youth Event
The youth will listen to the Riverside Chorus Concert.
The youth will listen to the Riverside Chorus Concert.
Come join the fun with packing the shoeboxes for children for Christmas. These shoeboxes will be distributed to children in Kentucky who were victims of the flood, Florida who were victims of recent hurricane and to American Indian Tribes.
Bring gifts that you would like to have wrapped. Drop them off at the Fellowship Hall. This is a fundraiser for youth events.
Join us for worship on December 18th for a service of music, readings, praise, and adoration to our Savior! The service will start at 11 am.
The youth will gather at the parsonage for their annual Christmas Party. Bring a white elephant gift ($10 or less) to exchange.
Please join us and bring a friend to the Christmas Eve Service.
Please join us for a Christmas Day Service. There will be no other activities at the church that day.
The youth will have a movie night at the parsonage.
There is a ladies retreat planned for February 17-19 at Fort Caswell. If you have already paid a deposit and decide not to go, today is the last day to cancel the reservation. If you want to go and have not paid a deposit, please contact Cookie by today's date. The total cost of the... Read More →
Join us as we sing our favorite hymns during morning worship.
The prayer retreat will be a morning where the church comes together to pray for ourselves, our church, our community, our nation, and our world through different expressions of prayer. We like having a prayer retreat before the season of Lent to focus ourselves on God and our dependence on Him. We hope you can... Read More →
DNOW is a weekend when our student ministry intentionally sets time aside to focus on discipleship and missions. This year, our theme is "Call." We will focus on what it means to be called by God and how we are all called to do something. We will meet at the church on March 24th at... Read More →
Please join us for a church workday. Breakfast will be served at 8:30.
Join us during worship to celebrate those that have graduated this year.
Please join us for the July 4th celebration cookout on Saturday July 1st starting at 12 noon. We will also be collecting food for OCIM. Help us fill up the truck bed for OCIM and feed the hungry of Orange County.
Our free farmer’s market is open to community members who wish to have fresh vegetables at no cost. Come to our church parking lot from 9-12 to get vegetables grown by local farmers.
Enjoy food and fellowship before the program. Bring some food to share for the dessert buffet.
This is our annual children and youth retreat to the mountains where we reflect on God and have fun times of games and fellowship as well. Exact times will be published as they come available.
Trunk or Treat is a night of trick or treating from the trunks of themed cars. These themed cars will tell the Gospel story! Come bring the family dressed up in your Halloween costumes and hungry for candy!
Join the fun and fellowship as we pack the shoeboxes for those in need. Bring items to pack and consider giving toward the shipping cost. It costs $10 per box to ship. Let's make the children happy this Christmas.
Please join us with the "Hanging of the Green" worship service.
Please join us before the Bible Study on Wednesday night for a potluck dinner at 5:00 pm in the fellowship hall.
Please join us for a special Christmas Eve morning service. This service will start at 10. Small groups (Sunday School) will not meet.
Hillsborough Community Church will be joining our worship service followed by a potluck lunch in the fellowship hall.
Our Easter Egg Hunt is a time for everyone from the community to fellowship and have fun gathering eggs. The event starts at 1 pm and will begin with a short devotional about Jesus' resurrection. Have fun gathering eggs and preparing for Easter Sunday!
Please join us to celebrate Palm Sunday worship service.
May 18th Sprout - Revive Us Toward God's Vision 9:00 am Light Breakfast 9:30 - 11:30 am Prayer and Reflections 11:30 am lunch June 1st Grow - Illuminating God's Path for Us 9:00 am Light Breakfast 9:30 - 11:30 am Prayer and Reflections 11:30 am lunch June 2nd Bear Fruit - Bearing Fruit Worship Service... Read More →
Please join us as we study about Pentecost this Sunday during worship.
Join us for a potluck dinner and fellowship, followed by Bible Study at 6 pm and choir practice at 7:15 pm.
Join us in congratulating those graduating during our worship service.
Please join us in a special worship service in honor of fathers. We will also have commissioning for the Guatemala Mission Trip.
We will have an Independence Day Lunch Celebration on July 6th at noon. Sign-up sheet is in the main hallway.
Please be in prayer for our deacon election. Please be present to vote.
Rotating Committee Orientations All committee members should plan to attend at the designated time listed below. Sanctuary 9:00 am; Properties 9:30 am; Special Events 10:00 am; Personnel 10:30 am; Stewardship 11:00 am; Nominating 11:30 am
Please join us for our 176th year! Our guest speaker is Scott Ryan, a former MHBC Youth Pastor. A covered dish luncheon will follow the service.
Please join us for favorite hymn Sunday.
Please join us as we install the newly elected deacons and leadership. We will also have the Lord's Supper during the worship service.
Senior Health Insurance Information Program for 2025
Please join us for delicious soup and fellowship.
The youth and their families are invited to a lunch following worship.
OCIM Item of the Month : Personal Hygiene Products OCC Item of the Month: Toothpaste
The deacons will meet in the Friendship Room.
On December 7th, the Children and Youth will wrap all your Christmas presents! In exchange, we ask you to make a donation to the Children and Youth Missions and Other Trips fund, but donations are not required.
Dr. Randy Carter will share some local missions by CBF including Welcome House in the fellowship hall. Everyone is invited to attend.
Please join us as we share Christmas Carols to those homebound and unable to get out this Christmas season.
Please join us for special music service. Invite family and friends during this time we prepare for Christmas.
We will have a business meeting in the sanctuary following worship.
Please join us for a Christmas Eve candle light evening worship service.
We will have a called business meeting for the purpose of voting on the 2025 church budget. This will be immediately before the worship service.
Let us know what your favorite hymn is and it might be sung on this Sunday.
We will meet in the event room.
Canned goods and monetary donations will be collected to help OCIM meet the needs in our community
TriWest Network Senior Adult Luncheon will be at noon at New Jerusalem Baptist Cathedral. Reservations are needed for lunch. Cost is $10. RSVP by Feb 7th. See John Frederick about... Read More →
There will be a business meeting in the sanctuary, following the worship service.
OCIM Items Dry Pasta / Pasta Sauce OCC Items Lotion Please place these items in the box as you enter the church. The people in Orange County that are in... Read More →
Join us for our annual foosball tournament fundraiser. We will have sponsorship opportunities for the participants that will go toward youth trips and missions, or you can just come and... Read More →
Shrove Tuesday is the day before Lent begins. It has been a Christian tradition to feast on pancakes on Shrove Tuesday before the Lenten season begins the next day. Come... Read More →
Ash Wednesday is the first day of lent--the season in which we remember our sins and our need for a Savior. The season of Lent is the season right before... Read More →